About Bariatric Surgery

Bariatric & Weight Loss Surgery
Medical Plaza North

Two West 42nd Street, Suite 3100
Scottsbluff, NE 69361
United States

Get in touch

“Everything is better! My mobility, health, and getting off medication.”

Bariatric surgery is an operation that helps a person lose weight by making changes to their digestive system. For those who are severely overweight, surgery is the only solution.

A person automatically qualifies for bariatric surgery if he or she is 100 pounds or more over his or her ideal weight, or 80 pounds overweight with serious health problems − such as diabetes, high blood pressure, sleep apnea, or joint pain.

Medical studies have demonstrated that bariatric surgery can reverse diabetes, heart disease, lower blood pressure, and resolve many other major health problems.

Weight loss surgery is more than just an operation. It is a process and can take some time. It also takes a personal commitment to changing your life.

After weight loss surgery at Regional West, our bariatric team will help you plan a personalized program that includes lifestyle and dietary changes, as well as follow-up care. Nutrition, exercise, and lifestyle modifications are all part of the weight loss journey and can only be achieved through persistence. We’re here to help you every step of the way to a healthier new you.