Regional West Cancer Treatment Center - Support Group for Cancer Survivors and Support Team

Let’s talk Chemo-Brain (known as Cancer Related Brain Fog). Techniques have been developed to help you journey through this! There is evidence your brain can develop new pathways to help you fight brain fog. You can take control. Come and learn how! Some minor pains and aches can be safely ignored; others could land a patient in the intensive care unit and lead to more treatment difficulties. You can be better prepared so you can know how to handle small to large changes in your health! 

Regional West Cancer Treatment Center - Support Group for Cancer Survivors and Support Team

Let’s talk Chemo-Brain (known as Cancer Related Brain Fog). Techniques have been developed to help you journey through this! There is evidence your brain can develop new pathways to help you fight brain fog. You can take control. Come and learn how! Some minor pains and aches can be safely ignored; others could land a patient in the intensive care unit and lead to more treatment difficulties. You can be better prepared so you can know how to handle small to large changes in your health! 
