Boxer Rebellion
Saturday, March 19, 2016
Event Location
Event Description
Registration is from 7:30 to 8:30 a.m. The run/walk begins at 9 a.m. Runners and walkers of all ages are encouraged to participate in the Boxer Rebellion. The family-friendly event is organized to support colon cancer awareness, and sponsored by the Regional West Endoscopy Department, Regional West Community Health, and the Scotts Bluff Health Department. Proceeds from the event will benefit Festival of Hope. The race will begin and end at the Scottsbluff Surgery Center, just west of the Regional West Emergency Department. Runners are invited to wear family-friendly outrageous, fun, or just plain goofy outfits that support colon cancer awareness. For more info, contact Lucrecia Spady at 308.630.2842. In case of inclemnent weather, we will reschedule the run/walk to Apr. 2 at the same time and location.