Medical Plaza North
Two West 42nd Street, Suite 1300
Scottsbluff, NE 69361
United States
Get in touch
Monday through Friday
8 a.m. to 5 p.m.
We offer many non-invasive cardiology services, all in one convenient location.
Care and Services
- Cardiology consultation
- Cardiac risk assessment
- Congestive heart failure
- Heart attack
- Cardiac rhythm abnormalities
- Atrial fibrillation management
- Coronary artery disease (CAD)
- Nuclear cardiology
- Cardiac rehabilitation program
Tests and Procedures
- Implantable cardiac defibrillators (ICDs)
- Implantable cardiac pacemakers
- ICD and pacemaker management
- Pericardiocentesis
- Elective electrical cardioversion
- Transesophageal echocardiogram (TEE)
- Electrocardiogram (EKG or ECG)
- Echocardiogram
- Cardiac stress test
- Pharmaceutical stress test
Regional West Medical Center-Cardiology is backed by Regional West's Connie Frank Cardiac Catheterization Lab, where diagnostic imaging equipment is used to diagnose cardiac problems.
Patients needing stents or bypass surgery are transported by Regional West's Air Link medical helicopter or fixed-wing aircraft to a hospital specializing in cardiovascular surgery. They then return to the panhandle for cardiac rehabilitation and follow-up care.
Physician referrals are not required.
Call 911 immediately if a loved one collapses or experiences severe chest pain or shortness of breath!
Appointment No-Shows and Late Arrivals-It is the policy of Regional West Physicians Clinic to monitor and manage appointment no-shows and late appointments. Any patient who arrives 15 minutes after their scheduled appointment time is considered late for his or her appointment. Regional West Physicians Clinic will make reasonable efforts to accommodate the patient within the patient session or to reschedule the patient at the earliest possible time, based on the nature of the presenting reason for the visit and the patient’s wishes.