Local Officials Participate In Joint Incident Command Training

SCOTTSBLUFF, Neb., – Leaders from several local organizations recently participated jointly in Intermediate and Advanced Incident Command System training held at Crawford, Neb.
The training, sponsored by the Nebraska Emergency Management Agency and held in conjunction with the Nebraska Wildland Fire Academy at Fort Robinson, provided advanced training in processes, practices, and structures, which are part of the National Incident Management System. The intermediate training specifically focused on large scale or expanding incidents, while the advanced training focused on complex incidents that would involve integration with state or federal resources.
Nationally certified and experienced instructors Todd Manns of Berthoud, Colo., and Brian Ayers of Gunnison, Colo., provided the training. Both instructors have many years of experience being part of Incident Command Staff with large scale events and incidents, including Level One and Two forest fires, Hurricanes Katrina and Rita, and other natural disasters.
The Incident Command System training consisted of both lecture and exercise activities. The final session ended with an exercise simulating multiple incidents in Scottsbluff involving city, county, state and federal agencies. All exercises allowed the local representatives to practice how their agencies would coordinate in the event of a real, future incident.
“Having a variety of representatives from Scottsbluff and Gering involved in this training ensures a better knowledge base within the individual organizations represented, and also collectively provides a better corps of trained staff to serve the community in the event of a large-scale emergency or disaster incident,” said Manns.
Regional West Health Services is the parent company for Regional West Medical Center and Regional West Physicians Clinic. These organizations, with over 1,800 employees, provide comprehensive and innovative health care services for the people and communities of western Nebraska and the neighboring states of Colorado, South Dakota and Wyoming. With over 110 active physicians, 95 percent of whom are board certified or board eligible, plus an additional 25 consulting specialists, the Regional West family of health care organizations offers care that spans more than 30 medical specialties.