Scotts Bluff County Resident Tests Positive for COVID-19

SCOTTSBLUFF, Neb., ― Regional West confirmed today that a Scotts Bluff County resident has tested positive for COVID-19. This case is not related to the Goshen County, Wyoming case.
Regional West is working in partnership with Nebraska’s Department of Health and Human Services (DHHS). Scotts Bluff County Health Department investigations are underway to identify people who came into close contact with the individual to help prevent further spread and provide guidance for those individuals.
Regional West continues to follow the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) guidelines and is working closely with Nebraska’s state epidemiologist and their team of experts regarding care of the patient. Proper safety protocols and procedures have been followed, with patient and staff safety given the highest priority. Regional West is experienced in treating infectious diseases and our staff is highly trained in infection prevention protocols.
Regional West is asking anyone in the western Nebraska region who has potentially been exposed to COVID-19 and has a fever, sore throat, and cough with shortness of breath to call 308-630-1580 before coming to any Regional West healthcare facility, or you may call your provider and follow his or her medical advice. Healthcare providers will determine if the patient can be cared for at home or if screening is necessary.
If you believe that you have COVID-19, and if you are not having trouble breathing, you may be safer at home. There is currently no special treatment for COVID-19 and the ER is not an appropriate triage center for people who are not in respiratory distress.
Regional West continues to have restricted visitation at all healthcare facilities. Visiting hours at the Medical Center are from 7 a.m. to 6 p.m. All visitors should enter through entrance six located on the north side of the facility. Regional West Medical Center will accommodate ONE visitor per patient at a time. Visitors will check in so that we may monitor the number of visitation requests per patient. They will be asked to check out when exiting the facility.
Patients seeking care at Urgent Care or any Regional West Physicians Clinic may be accompanied by ONE caregiver or family member. We ask that children not accompany family members to appointments unless the child needs care.
“We want to assure the public that Regional West has been planning and preparing for weeks to provide healthcare services during the pandemic. The safety of our patients and staff continues to be Regional West’s highest priority,” said John Mentgen, President and CEO, Regional West Health Services.
Along with national and local experts, it’s expected that the presence of one COVID-19 case in the community suggests the possibility that more patients will be diagnosed. For your health, please follow the guidelines below:
• Practice good hand hygiene, including frequent and thorough handwashing and proper use of hand sanitizer
• Avoid touching your face, including your eyes, nose, and mouth
• Be sure you have all needed medications and supplies on hand, as if you were preparing for a severe snowstorm
• Practice social distancing
Regional West Health Services in Scottsbluff, Neb., is the parent company of Regional West Medical Center, a 188-bed regional referral center and one of three Level II Trauma Centers in the state. As the region’s only tertiary referral medical center, Regional West offers care that spans more than 32 medical specialties provided by over 28 physician clinics. With nearly 300 in-network providers, and 2,000 employees, Regional West provides comprehensive and innovative health care services for the people of western Nebraska and the neighboring states of Colorado, South Dakota, and Wyoming.