Fourth Quarter PEARL Award Given to Regional West Employee for Hard Work, Caring Hand, and Comforting Smile

Regional West recently recognized Brenda Loose as a 2024 fourth quarter PEARL award recipient.
The PEARL award recognizes employees for outstanding customer service, quality patient care, and teamwork reflecting Pride, Effort, Attentiveness, Respect, and Leadership. Each quarter, the PEARL committee selects individuals who exemplify outstanding teamwork and those who have gone above and beyond to take care of their patients and/or co-workers.
Loose is a patient access specialist in Regional West Medical Center-Urology. The three co-workers who nominated her said, “She always has the answers and is always there for the patients. I can't say enough. I am so glad to work with her.” “Brenda is always willing to help out! Thank you for being that caring hand and that comforting smile for those who need it. You make our life better and you shine bright for all of us.” “Brenda, you are kind, friendly, and helpful towards your patients and always try to help in any way you can. Your dedication and hard work do not go unnoticed.”