Patient’s Family Grateful for ‘Excellent, Out of the Ordinary’ Care

Until Mary Mata’s almost three-week-long hospitalization at Regional West, she and her high school sweetheart, Hector, were seldom separated during their 53 years of marriage. As difficult as the situation has been, Hector and their daughters, Janet and Hilda, have high words of praise for their experience with Regional West physicians, providers, and nurses.
“The doctors and nurses involved in my mom’s care consistently went above and beyond what was expected of them and were very loving and caring with her,” said Janet. “Even when I knew they were tired from working long hours, the care she received was excellent – really out of the ordinary.”
She said that during Mary’s time on both the 3rd floor and Intensive Care Unit (ICU), physicians and nurses were diligent about communicating with the family.
“They not only cared for my mom; they looked after my dad, too,” said Janet. “Many people in the community don’t hear enough about the excellent care received by patients at Regional West. We were so very grateful for the experience my mom had at Regional West. We went home each night knowing that she was well cared for until we arrived the next day.”