
St. Mary Plaza

3701 Avenue D
Scottsbluff, NE 69361
United States

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To assure students in the radiographer program are achieving the objectives of the program and of each class, students will be graded.

The program has established a standard of 80% or better as a passing grade for all courses, whether clinical or didactic coursework, in the program.

Clinical Setting

Each student shall be evaluated by the supervising technologist in the clinical setting, which includes the areas of professional development, attitudes, initiative, and communication skills.

Performance in the clinical educational setting requires that students demonstrate progressive improvement of skills with clinical experience. Failure to exhibit the clinical aptitude necessary to perform radiographic procedures for the educational level in the program or the demonstration of continued poor clinical performance below 80 percent will suffice for the initiation of the Corrective Action Policy which may lead to the student’s termination from the program.

Didactic Setting

Each didactic instructor is responsible for evaluating the student on a periodic basis for the material covered in the particular class. The instructor shall derive a grade or grades from these evaluations and either enter the grade in the grade book or deliver the grade to the program director.

Each didactic instructor may develop his or her own grading policy, as long as it complies with program policy regarding grading. Didactic instructors may or may not allow repeating of quizzes, worksheets, tests, or other graded material. The instructor shall include the grading policy as part of the information available to students. Students should reference the online educational platform to determine the instructor’s grading expectations.

Failure to exhibit the didactic aptitude necessary for the level of educational performance needed to graduate from the program or the demonstration of continued poor didactic performance below 80% will suffice for the initiation of the Corrective Action Policy, which may lead to the student’s termination from the program.

The instructor’s grading policy shall at least meet the minimum standards identified in this policy. All instructors shall use the following grading scale for all classes:

Grade requirements

95 to 100% = A
90 to 94% = A-
89 to 85% = B+
84 to 80% = B
0 to 79% = Not passing

Grade Point Average

The program will assign grade points to letter grades as follows:
4 points = A
3.67 points = A-
3.33 points = B+
3 points = B

To determine the grade point average, the total number of grade points earned for each attempted credit hour is divided by the total credit hours attempted.

For the second year final and the comprehensive final, second year students may repeat these exams only twice if a passing grade of 80% is not achieved. If a passing grade is not achieved on the third attempt, the highest grade achieved will be entered as the grade for these examinations.

While the instructor for each course will monitor the student’s performance to assure that the student is not failing the course, it is the student’s responsibility to assure that grades are kept at an acceptable level. Each student must monitor his or her performance since courses are not necessarily of an eight-week time frame as may occur in a college setting. This self-monitoring may be accomplished by reviewing grades posted on the online educational platform where grades are accessible to students.

Each student is required to maintain grades at a level of 80% or above for each class. Students who fail to maintain the minimum grade level of 80% are subject to the Corrective Action Policy that may lead to termination.

Students demonstrating a history of repeated failures of worksheets, quizzes, tests or other graded material are subject to the Corrective Action Policy. Indications of failure to make significant progress will be measured by failing grades from various evaluation documents and/or from input from supervising technologists and instructors.

Failing any course will be sufficient reason to terminate the student from the program.

A student who has failed a course or is terminated because of continued poor didactic or clinical performance may appeal to the Educational Advisory Committee by referring to the termination section of the Corrective Action policy.

A student taking a pertinent class at other institutions during enrollment in the program must make arrangements to have a transcript copy sent to the program upon completion of the class. The student must achieve a passing score as identified by providing institution for these classes. 

Download the policy.