Graduation Requirements

St. Mary Plaza

3701 Avenue D
Scottsbluff, NE 69361
United States

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To be eligible for graduation the student must:

  • Complete each course with a minimum score of 80%.
  • Settle all financial obligations.
  • Return all property belonging to the program or Regional West (name badges, radiation monitoring badge, parking sticker, jump drive, etc.).
  • Complete the required number of days of attendance. A second year student exceeding the allowable amount of time off will make up the time at the end of the school term prior to receiving their certificate of graduation. A student should not purposely schedule himself or herself for more vacation days than the allowed days.  If make-up time is necessary, in order for the student to receive his or her certificate, this will be straight time (one day worked for each day to be made up). 

Any student failing to complete the graduation requirements will not receive his or her certificate of graduation until all graduation requirements are met.             

Students who complete all graduation requirements will graduate two years after beginning the program. The length of the program will be extended for students who have not completed the entire program’s required course work. Graduating students who have obtained a minimum of an Associate’s Degree are eligible to take the American Registry of Radiologic Technologists national examination for radiography. The American Society of Radiologic Technologists recognizes the baccalaureate degree as the professional level of radiation science education.

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