

Is your son or daughter interested in the arts?

The Scottsbluff/Gering area abounds in opportunities for your child or teen:

The West Nebraska Arts Center offers an after school arts program during the school year for students in grades one through six. The center also offers two visual arts workshops each June for students age six to 9 and students age 10 to 15.

​Scottsbluff & Gering Public Schools

art student

Scottsbluff and Gering Public Schools                                 

  • One early childhood school (Scottsbluff)
  • Four city schools and one country elementary school (Scottsbluff).
  • Three city schools and one country elementary school (Gering).
  • One middle school (Scottsbluff).
  • One junior high (Gering).
  • Two high schools (one each in Gering and Scottsbluff).
  • AA accredited by the