Visitation Guidelines

Regional West

4021 Avenue B
Scottsbluff, NE 69361
United States

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Visitors are not required to wear masks in the facility, unless visiting a patient who is in isolation precautions. Visitors of all ages are welcome in both Regional West Medical Center and Regional West Physicians Clinics. If a visitor is under the age of 12, they must be accompanied by an adult.

Regional West Visitation Guidelines

General visiting hours are 7 a.m. to 8 p.m. daily.

Visitors may enter the hospital through the main hospital entrance and the Birth and Infant Care Center entrance (located on the north side of the facility) Monday through Friday 7 a.m. to 5 p.m. Outside of these hours and on the weekends, visitors must enter through the Emergency Department, entrance #1.

Most patients may have an unlimited number of visitors per day, but no more than four visitors at a time. Limited visitation, as defined below, is permitted for patients with COVID-19.

Extended visitation hours may be considered for vulnerable adults (patients with intellectual and/or developmental disabilities, or patients with cognitive impairments (i.e., dementia) and pediatric patients. Additionally, in imminent end-of-life situations, visitation may be approved outside of the standard visitation hours.

Regional West requires visitors to monitor for COVID-19 symptoms. Unless seeking medical care, individuals should refrain from visiting if they:

  • Have had a positive test for COVID-19 in the last 10 days
  • Have a pending COVID-19 test
  • Have symptoms of COVID-19, including fever, chills, cough, shortness of breath, difficulty breathing, fatigue, muscle pain or body aches, headache, new loss of taste or smell, sore throat, congestion, runny nose, nausea/vomiting, or diarrhea.

At the Regional West campus, there are five entrances open for public access. Those entrances include the Emergency Room, main Medical Center, Birth and Infant Care Center, Medical Plaza North, and Medical Plaza South.

Behavioral Health Unit (BHU)

  • Visiting hours are 2 to 4 p.m. for one hour as determined by BHU.
  • For pediatric BHU patients younger than 19 years of age, two parents or legal guardians will be allowed at a time.

Birth and Infant Care Center (BICC)/Pediatrics and Neonatal Intensive Care Unit (NICU)

  • Labor and delivery patients may have two support people at all times, and up to four visitors at a time, including the support people.
  • Pediatric patients younger than 19 years of age may have up to four visitors at a time, including parents or legal guardians.
  • Siblings of all ages are allowed to visit BICC patients. However, visitation may be more limited based on individual patient factors. Sick visitors are not allowed.

Neonatal Intensive Care Unit (NICU)

NICU visitation is subject to change at any time depending on community illness, NICU census, or patient acuity.

All visitors to the NICU must be in good health and wash their hands upon entry. Minor illnesses for adults and children, such as cold, flu, and fever, can be very serious for newborns in the NICU. If you have signs or symptoms of an illness, please do not visit until you are healthy. You are encouraged to call for updates.

  • Visitation is restricted to adults and siblings of the newborn.
  • There is a maximum of four visitors at the bedside.
  • Two parents and one sibling are allowed at the bedside (unless the sibling is 12 years of age or older).
  • Only one sibling under 12 years of age is allowed at the bedside per visit.
  • An adult must accompany siblings under 19 years of age.

If siblings are allowed to hold the newborn, please consider having them wear a pediatric gown. With patient status and siblings’ age or developmental level in mind, please consider limiting visits from younger visitors to 30 minutes.

Newborns in the NICU can be sensitive to noise. For this reason, please keep noise to a minimum while visiting. 

Hospital Patients (COVID Positive)

  • Patients in isolation for confirmed or suspected COVID-19 may have two designated visitors each 24-hour period. Each designated visitor will be provided one 15-minute visit daily while wearing all required personal protective equipment (PPE).
  • In the event of imminent end-of-life situations, COVID-19 patients may be approved for additional visitors, with the same 15-minute visit durations. Visits will be limited to only two visitors at a time in the room.

Emergency Department (ED) Visitation/Accompaniment

  • Emergency Department patients may have up to four visitors at a time with no daily visitor maximum.  Visitation in the Emergency Department may be extended beyond the standard 7 a.m. to 8 p.m. visitation hours.