Regional West Connecting with Patients

Regional West Connecting with Patients Through TytoHome™ For Virtual Visits

Regional West Connect is connecting with patients through virtual visits and the TytoHome™ handheld exam kit.

TytoHome™ includes tools to examine the heart, lungs, skin, throat, ears, and body temperature, and is available for purchase at Regional West. The units provide patients with an easy, convenient way to have an enhanced medical visit through Regional West Connect, an app that provides 24/7/365 access to providers through secure video visits for many non-emergency illnesses, such as the flu and seasonal allergies.

“The quality of care via telehealth is a key and necessary component,” said Regional West Physicians Clinic Vice President and Chief Operating Officer Martha Stricker, MBA, RN, CMPE. “A TytoHome unit provides a way to enhance a medical exam from home which leads to improved care via telehealth.”

Each TytoHome™ kit contains wireless, FDA-approved diagnostic devices that are designed to replicate tools used during a regular office exam. The kit includes an otoscope (to examine ears), a tongue depressor (to examine throat), a stethoscope (to listen to heart, lungs, and abdomen), a basal thermometer, a digital camera (to examine skin and throat), and a rechargeable battery.

Through Regional West Connect, Regional West healthcare providers can diagnose, treat, and prescribe medication for illnesses and minor injuries. With TytoHome™ and Regional West Connect visits, all exam data is safely captured, stored, and transmitted on a HIPAA-compliant platform.

Virtual visits allow patients to get the healthcare exams they need while maintaining social distancing. However, for some conditions, it is still best to see your physician or provider at his or her office.

“TytoHome™ is helpful as a triage tool, allowing a nurse or provider to assess the patient more thoroughly in order to determine if a face-to-face visit is necessary,” Stricker said.

The cost of a Regional West Connect visit is $69; out-of-pocket cost may be less, depending on insurance. Virtual healthcare visits are covered by most insurance plans.

TytoHome™ exam kits are $299. To learn how to purchase your kit, visit or call Regional West Connect at 308-630-1982. The TytoHome™ platform currently works on Apple iOS and Android systems. For a full list of compatible devices, visit

For more information regarding TytoHome™ exam kits or Regional West Connect, visit or call 308-630-1982.