Point of Service


4021 Avenue B
Scottsbluff, NE 69361
United States

Get in touch

Regional West Medical Center collects a co-pay, coinsurance, and/or deductible at the time services are rendered or, in the case of an Emergency Room visit, after the medical screening exam. For your convenience, Regional West Medical Center provides an estimate of your out-of-pocket costs prior to most scheduled outpatient procedures and diagnostic tests. If an estimate is not provided, you will be asked for a $75 point of service payment. Please understand that this is just an estimate.

Additionally, some charges, such as drugs or supplies, may not be reflected in the estimate. If additional payment is due, a statement will be sent for the remaining balance. You may also receive separate billings for the professional services of radiologists, anesthesiologists, attending physicians, pathologists, or any other healthcare provider involved in your care.

Does everyone pay the same amount?

Regional West’s charges are the same for all patients, but your financial responsibility may vary, depending on payment plans negotiated with individual health insurers. Some patients are exempt from paying point of service fees, including inpatients, Medicare, Workers' Compensation, and Medicaid patients who have no co-pay or share-of-cost requirements.

What if I can’t pay the estimated cost?

If you are unable to pay the estimate due, you will be referred to our financial liaisons who will help you explore alternative arrangements prior to your procedure or exam. All insured and uninsured patients, regardless of ability to pay, will receive emergency treatment when needed.

For more information about Point of Service payments, please call us at 308-630-2700, option 1.