Patient & Family Responsibilities

The safety of health care delivery is enhanced when patients are partners in the health care process. Hospitals are entitled to reasonable and responsible behavior on the part of the patients.  As a patient at Regional West Medical Center and our partner in the safe delivery of care, you are responsible for:

  • Participating actively in your health care and asking questions of physicians and hospital staff when any aspect of your care is not clear to you.
  • Giving the health care provider accurate and complete information about medical history and other matters related to your health (present complaints, past illnesses, hospitalizations, medications, and any risks you perceive in your care).
  • Following instructions about the care, treatment, and service plan developed. Please express any concerns you might have about your ability to follow the proposed plan of care based on your specific needs or limitations. When possible, adaptations will be made in the plan of care to better meet your needs or limitations. You will be informed of the expected outcomes as well as the consequences of the care, treatment, and service alternatives.
  • Accepting outcomes and consequences if you do not follow the care, treatment, and service plan.
  • Communicating your wishes, expectations, and treatment goals to physicians and hospital staff formally through Advance Directives or informally through spoken communication.
  • Discussing pain relief and management options and expectations with your doctor or nurse, being involved in developing a pain management plan, and requesting pain relief when pain first begins. You will be asked to assist the doctor or nurse in pain measurement and notify them if your pain is not relieved.
  • Observing hospital rules and policies and the rights of other patients and hospital staff.
  • Considering and respecting the hospital staff and property.
  • Considering and respecting other patients and ensuring that your visitors are considerate; particularly with regard to noise, number of visitors, and observance of visiting hours. The use of telephone, television, radio, and lights must be in a manner that is not disturbing to roommates or other patients. You and your family are expected to be considerate of property belonging to both the hospital and that of other patients.
  • Maintaining the treatment plans prescribed by the health care provider and keeping the physician notified of any changes in health status.
  • Provide information needed for insurance processing, reviewing credit options when needed, and asking questions about any part of your bill you do not understand.