Hospital Library

Regional West
St. Mary Plaza

3700 Avenue B
Scottsbluff, NE 69361
United States

Get in touch

Monday through Friday
8 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.

Located in what used to be St. Mary’s chapel, Regional West's library is a peaceful oasis for anyone needing medical information. Students, University of Nebraska Medical Center faculty, and staff of Regional West Medical Center have access to all library services. Community members are welcome to use in-house library services or to check out available consumer health resources.


  • Loaning circulating books, journals, and videos
  • Consumer health information services
  • Research assistance for all library patrons
  • Answering reference questions
  • Photocopying
  • Interlibrary loans from other libraries (books and journals)

Literature searches

Regional West's librarian can perform literature searches from databases Medline and eMedicine. The literature search will provide citations, abstracts, and full-text articles, if available.

Interlibrary loans

Library customers needing access to a specific journal article or book not available in the library can ask to have it ordered through interlibrary loans, often at no charge.

The library is a member of ICON Health Information Consortium and FreeShare—a free DOCLINE library group whose members agree to deliver requests free of charge to other group members. 

Internet access

A computer with Internet access is available to the library's customers, free of charge, during regular business hours.