Air Link Presents Impact and Guiding Light Awards

SCOTTSBLUFF, Neb., – Jack Galt of Crawford, Neb., and Tom Hoskins, MD, of Lusk, Wyo., have been honored by Air Link at Regional West for their contributions to regional emergency health care services.
The two are the recipients of Air Link’s new Impact and Guiding Light awards, respectively. A $1,000 donation in their names will be made to their EMS or hospital agency in recognition of their dedication to providing quality emergency care.
Galt, winner of the Air Link “Impact” award, is a five-year veteran of the Crawford Volunteer Fire and Rescue department. A retired veterinarian, he joined the Crawford squad after moving to Crawford from Colorado. He serves as the department’s rescue captain.
Crawford Fire Chief Brian Prosser submitted a two-page, single-spaced nomination form, filled with glowing commendations for all of the volunteer services Galt provides to the fire department.
He credited Galt for his regular attendance at trauma, EMS, and Mutual Aid meetings; carrying a department radio and being on call 24/7; establishing an “After Action Review” exercise; conducting monthly EMS drills; and updating departmental protocols.
“I know if there is anything I need on either side, Fire or EMS, all I have to do is ask and he will make it happen. I have nothing to worry about and would not lose any sleep over trusting Jack with my life, my kids, and the rest of our membership,” said Prosser.
Dr. Hoskins was nominated for the Air Link Guiding Light Award by Niobrara Health and Life Center (NHLC) and the Lusk/Niobrara Ambulance Service.
Dr. Hoskins was cited as “a champion of excellence and a mentor for emergency medical services since 2007 and being instrumental in NHLC receiving the Trauma Receiving Facility (TRF) designation in 2011.”
Serving as the Trauma Program Director, Dr. Hoskins organized a trauma program, trauma team, and a multi-disciplinary trauma committee. He was responsible for leading the application process and preparing the NHLC and Lusk/Niobrara Ambulance Service for an onsite survey. His efforts resulted in the three-year TRF designation.
“The town of Lusk, in the most remote area of Wyoming and NHLC being the smallest critical access hospital in Wyoming, could not have received this designation without the extraordinary efforts of Dr. Tom Hoskins,” wrote nominators Samantha Jensen, Trauma Coordinator and Amber Keller, EMT-1 in recommending Dr. Hoskins for the Guiding Light Award.
Regional West Health Services is the parent company for Regional West Medical Center and Regional West Physicians Clinic. These organizations, with over 1,800 employees, provide comprehensive and innovative health care services for the people and communities of western Nebraska and the neighboring states of Colorado, South Dakota and Wyoming. With over 110 active physicians, 95 percent of whom are board certified or board eligible, plus an additional 25 consulting specialists, the Regional West family of health care organizations offers care that spans more than 30 medical specialties.