Village Residents Donate “Pennies from Heaven” To Salvation Army

SCOTTSBLUFF, Neb., – A Christmas tradition developed by residents of The Village at Regional West resulted in a gift of more than $100 in change to The Salvation Army.
On Thursday, Village Manager Karen Vorse and resident Lorraine Funk delivered a pot full of change to Kent Greenwalt, who was ringing the bell at Walmart for The Salvation Army.
“It was just great,” said Vorse. “They were so excited to receive all the change. It felt so good to us to be able to give back.”
Since 2003, Village residents have dropped spare change in their “Pennies from Heaven” pot throughout the year. At Christmastime, residents vote to select a charitable cause to receive the money as a donation.
The idea for “Pennies from Heaven” originated with a Village resident who wanted to be able to give, in some small way, to help others. Other residents were encouraged to drop their extra change in the Penny Pot as well.
The VALTS program was the first recipient. The school used the money to hold a pizza party for the students. The “Penny Pot” tradition has enthusiastically continued for more than a decade, with proceeds going to many different organizations, including CASA and Community Christian School.
The poem below was written by a Village resident in 2003 to inspire other residents to share in placing their change in the Penny Pot.
Pennies from Heaven
“A resident to Carol came
We won’t mention any names.
Some pennies with her she brought
In a Halloween coffee cup, full and overwrought.
“The pennies are just a nuisance to me.”
“I would like them to help some girl or some boy,
Perhaps to them, give a toy.”
“Do you think others might want to join in,
To give some youngsters some fun and to make them grin?”
“Sure,” Carol said, Karen standing by,
They agreed it would be fun watching pennies float in from the sky.
“Pennies from Heaven,” that’s what we’ll call it!
All can participate for the next 30 days,
Then the VALTS school children will be singing our praise.
A party they will now be able to vision
Thanks to all of us who have given.
Regional West Health Services is the parent company for Regional West Medical Center and Regional West Physicians Clinic. These organizations, with over 1,800 employees, provide comprehensive and innovative health care services for the people and communities of western Nebraska and the neighboring states of Colorado, South Dakota and Wyoming. With over 110 active physicians, 95 percent of whom are board certified or board eligible, plus an additional 25 consulting specialists, the Regional West family of health care organizations offers care that spans more than 30 medical specialties.