Air Link Accepting Nominations for Impact and Guiding Light Awards

SCOTTSBLUFF, Neb., – Do you know a medical professional who goes the extra mile? Nominate that individual for the Air Link Guiding Light and Impact awards.
The Guiding Light and Impact Awards were created to honor Peter Meyer, MD, FPC, the Air Link Medical Director and a Regional West Physicians Clinic emergency medicine physician. Meyer was named the 2011 Medical Director of the Year by the International Air Medical Physicians Association. He was honored for his dedication to improving patient care and embodying characteristics of giving, support, and empowerment each and every day.
The Guiding Light and Impact awards were established to honor other men and women who give unselfishly of themselves to further advancements in patient care, both in the pre-hospital and hospital environments.
Air Link Guiding Light and Impact award winners will be presented $1,000 payable to his or her respective agency for the purpose of education, training, or the purchase of equipment for education/training purposes.
The winner of the 2013 Air Link Guiding Light Award was David Cornutt, MD, Director of Emergency Services at Regional West Medical Center and Medical Director for the Sioux County Rescue Squad. Cornutt was nominated by the Sioux County Rescue Squad for his efforts assisting with their organization.
“We are very honored to have such a great medical director who will go that extra mile to benefit our squad in any way. Our experiences with Regional West Medical Center, Air Link and Dr. Cornutt have certainly been a blessing to our area,” said Sioux County Rescue Squad Medical Director Misty Skavdahl.
The Sioux County Rescue Squad received $1,000 which they used for training materials at their new Harrison Volunteer and Rescue Station.
Nomination forms and information must be postmarked by Sept. 1 and are available online at
Regional West Health Services, Scottsbluff, Neb., is the parent company for Regional West Medical Center and Regional West Physicians Clinic. These organizations, with over 1,800 employees, provide comprehensive and innovative health care services for the people and communities of western Nebraska and the neighboring states of Colorado, South Dakota and Wyoming. With over 110 active physicians, plus an additional 25 consulting specialists, the Regional West family of health care organizations offers care that spans more than 30 medical specialties.