Diabetes Care Center Support Group Guest Speaker To Educate Peers On Managing Diabetes

July 14, 2014
1 min. read
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SCOTTSBLUFF, Neb., – Roger Baird is a diabetes patient. He takes insulin as part of his overall diabetes treatment plan that includes diet, exercise, and other diabetes medications. He knows first-hand the challenges to managing diabetes and understanding the fear and uncertainty about taking insulin.

Baird will be the featured speaker at Regional West Diabetes Care Center’s upcoming Diabetes Support Group meeting. He will explain how insulin may help patients achieve blood sugar control as part of an overall diabetes treatment plan and that insulin usage is not a sign of failure. Baird will address concerns he had when starting insulin as well as misperceptions about insulin.

Baird is a specially trained member of the AIC Champions® program, which provides a patient-led approach to diabetes education. The program is sponsored by Sanofi US.

The Diabetes Support Group will meet Tuesday, July 22 from 6 to 7 p.m. in Medical Plaza South room1202.

Regional West Health Services, Scottsbluff, Neb., is the parent company for Regional West Medical Center, Regional West Physicians Clinic and Regional West Garden County. These organizations, with over 1,900 employees, provide comprehensive and innovative health care services for the people and communities of western Nebraska and the neighboring states of Colorado, South Dakota and Wyoming. With over 110 active physicians, plus an additional 25 consulting specialists, the Regional West family of health care organizations offers care that spans more than 30 medical specialties. 

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