Regional West To Hold Fire Emergency Exercise June 30

SCOTTSBLUFF, Neb., – There won’t actually be a fire in the Regional West Surgery Department at 6 a.m., Monday morning, but to the casual observer, that’s what it will look like. In reality, hospital staff will be conducting a full scale exercise at Regional West early June 30 that mimics a fire in an operating room.
The exercise will test Regional West Medical Center staff’s ability to respond to the fire, evacuate a portion of the hospital, and activate procedures for calling in off duty employees.
“Surgical fires are very rare events, but can result in serious injury and death due in part to the oxygen-rich environment,” said Steve Hodges, Regional West Vice President of Human Resources. “Hospitals are encouraged by our accrediting agency, The Joint Commission, to be fully prepared for surgical fires by providing education and training for perioperative staff. That’s why we planned this exercise. It will be a learning opportunity to evaluate our capabilities, plans, systems, and processes in the unlikely event of an operating room fire.”
The exercise simulation contains sufficient detail to allow players to react to the information and situations presented as if they are real. It is expected to last approximately one hour and will be followed by a team evaluation and after action review.
Regional West Health Services, Scottsbluff, Neb., is the parent company for Regional West Medical Center and Regional West Physicians Clinic. These organizations, with over 1,800 employees, provide comprehensive and innovative health care services for the people and communities of western Nebraska and the neighboring states of Colorado, South Dakota and Wyoming. With over 110 active physicians, plus an additional 25 consulting specialists, the Regional West family of health care organizations offers care that spans more than 30 medical specialties.