Regional West Offers Speed, Power & Agility Camp to Junior High Student Athletes

SCOTTSBLUFF, Neb.- A basketball player may practice his lay-ups or jump shots every day during the summer months. A distance runner might increase her miles during the off-season, just to keep in shape. But, are they really working on what will make them a better athlete?
The RehabCenter at Regional West Medical Center is sponsoring a Speed, Power & Agility camp for 2007-2008 junior high school student athletes. Camp participants will receive a T-shirt and a day of personalized training from the Regional West athletic trainers. While many camps cost $50 to $100 per day, the RehabCenter is offering this one-day camp for only $25 per participant.
The camp will be offered at Kimball, Mitchell and Scottsbluff High Schools. Students from other schools may attend the program at any of these locations. Enrollment is limited to 30 participants per site. A minimum of 10 athletes is required to hold camp at each site.
“This sports performance camp focuses on creating a well-rounded athlete in all aspects,” said Amber Perry, ATC. “It’s designed to help athletes learn how to increase their speed as well as improve their agility and strength. In turn, the students will reduce the chance and severity of athletic injuries.”
The camp will feature an electronic 40-yard dash timing, vertical jump testing, agility testing, running form assessment and drills to increase speed and improve agility. The trainers will analyze the test results to determine areas of opportunity for improvement and work with each student personally. Students will also learn about proper hydration, nutrition and healthy lifestyles for athletes.
The camps will be held in June from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. in the following three communities:
--Mitchell - June 18
--Kimball - June 19
--Scottsbluff - June 20
After completion of the camp, athletes will have the opportunity to attend a one-hour session once a week for four weeks to continue to learn new ways to improve flexibility, strength and agility with certified athletic trainers at their camp sites.
At the end of the four-week session, athletes will again be tested to measure performance improvements.
“This gives us the data to see where they began and how they improved after a summer of specific and personalized workouts,” said Perry.
For more information or to obtain a sign-up and consent form, call the RehabCenter at (308) 630-1355 or e-mail
Regional West Health Services, with over 1,400 employees, provides comprehensive and innovative health care services for the people and communities of western Nebraska and the neighboring states of Colorado, South Dakota and Wyoming. With over 110 active physicians, 95 percent of whom are board certified or board eligible, plus an additional 25 consulting specialists, we offer care that spans more than 40 medical specialties. Regional West Medical Center, a subsidiary of Regional West Health Services, is accredited by the Joint Commission on Accreditation of Healthcare Organizations and is one of only three Level II Trauma Centers in the state of Nebraska.