Surgical Weight Loss Options

Bariatric & Weight Loss Surgery
Medical Plaza North

Two West 42nd Street, Suite 3100
Scottsbluff, NE 69361
United States

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Lose weight…feel great!

At Regional West, we offer four options for weight loss surgery, in addition to conversions and complex revisions. Your surgeon will help you decide which type of surgery would be best for you, based on your health, and your personal weight loss goals.

Laparoscopic Banding

Lap band surgery is a minimally invasive, reversible procedure that decreases the size of the stomach to reduce food intake. An adjustable silicone band is placed on the upper portion of the stomach through minimally invasive surgery. Later, it can be tightened to restrict the size of the stomach by adding saline to fill the band. The tightening procedure is done at the surgeon’s clinic. When the band is tightened, it presses on the nerves to decrease appetite and further restrict the amount of food that can be eaten. The average weight loss for this procedure is 60% of excess body weight.

Gastric Bypass

Gastric bypass surgery, also known as Roux-en-Y gastric bypass, is the most common type of weight loss surgery. During the minimally invasive surgical procedure, the surgeon creates a small pouch out of the top of the stomach and attaches it directly to the small intestine. This small stomach pouch restricts the absorption of nutrients and the amount of food a person can eat; resulting in a feeling of fullness after consuming much smaller meals.

Because the procedure is permanent, those who undergo gastric bypass surgery must make permanent healthy changes to their diet and get regular exercise to help ensure the long-term success of the bypass surgery. The average weight loss for this procedure is 80% or more of excess body weight. This procedure is well documented to resolve or reduce diabetes and sleep apnea.

Gastric Sleeve Surgery

Gastric sleeve surgery is another permanent option that makes the stomach smaller to help people lose weight. With a smaller stomach, a person will eat less food but feel full much more quickly than before. During the procedure, about 75% of the stomach is removed, leaving a thin, vertical sleeve about the size of a banana. Removing a portion of the stomach reduces the body’s level of a hormone called ghrelin, which is commonly referred to as the “hunger hormone.” Many people find that they are much less hungry after the sleeve gastrectomy. The average weight loss for this procedure is 70% or more of excess body weight.

Loop Duodenal Switch Surgery

The loop duodenal switch (SADI-S or SIPS) is a recent highly effective modification of the historic duodenal switch (DS) procedure. As with gastric bypass, loop duodenal switch surgery is a malabsorptive and restrictive surgery. The stomach and small intestine are reduced, meaning a person will eat less food and absorb fewer nutrients. The combination of malabsorption and restriction makes loop duodenal switch surgery extremely effective at enabling patients to lose weight and keep it off.