Breastfeeding Support

Birth and Infant Care Center

4021 Avenue B
Scottsbluff, NE 69361
United States

Get in touch

At Regional West Medical Center, we encourage breastfeeding as the best choice for mothers and infants. We are a breastfeeding-friendly hospital because we believe human milk is the safest and healthiest infant feeding option with lifelong benefits to mother and child. We are proud to be recognized as a Nebraska Department of Health and Human Services (DHHS) Lactation Across Rural America (LEARN) Breastfeeding Hospital Champion.

We encourage:

  • Skin-to-skin contact immediately after birth, except in cases of medical necessity
  • Initiating breastfeeding within the first hour after birth
  • Avoiding fluids or solids other than breast milk unless medically necessary for six months
  • Promoting 24-hour rooming-in, which encourages the family to recognize and respond to their infant’s feeding cues
  • Infants to self-soothe rather than using a pacifier or artificial nipple during the hospital stay 

Certified Lactation Counselors (CLC) who provide breastfeeding education are an integral part of our nursing staff, and all of our bedside nurses have received additional breastfeeding education so they can assist with breastfeeding throughout your hospital stay.

We will work with you to meet your breastfeeding goals, help you develop a feeding plan, and provide opportunity for support when you get home. For mothers with infants in the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit (NICU), we provide hospital-grade double electric pumps for use at the bedside so your infant can still receive the benefits of breast milk.

If you have any questions, please call our lactation office at 308-630-1954.

Breastfeeding Support Group

Connect with other breastfeeding mothers at Regional West Physicians Clinic-Pediatrics bimonthly breastfeeding support group. Meetings are held on the first and third Tuesday of every month in Regional West Medical Center’s Keith Room. For more information, please call the clinic at 308-630-1811.

Donate life-saving breast milk

Since 2018, Regional West’s Birth and Infant Care Center has been a collection site for the Mothers’ Milk Bank network, a Colorado-based nonprofit program benefitting babies nationwide. Area mothers who produce milk in excess of their babies’ needs can drop off bags of milk at the Birth and Infant Care Center.

Donors can call 308-630-1550 to drop off milk donations at Birth and Infant Care Center entrance, located on the north side of Regional West Medical Center. A Birth and Infant Care employee will come to the entrance and collect the donation. If you are interested in becoming a breast milk donor, visit or call 303-869-1888 to fill out a donor application form.