4021 Avenue B
Scottsbluff, NE 69361
United States
Get in touch
The Bell 407GX Air Link helicopter is operated by Med-Trans Corporation under FAA Part 135. The Air Link helicopter operates as a Visual Flight Rules (VFR), day/night program.
In 2018, we introduced the Pilatus PC-12 fixed wing aircraft, which adds increased versatility for transporting patients faster, further, and with less weather restrictions. The Pilatus PC-12 Air Link airplane is operated by Guardian Flight under FAA part 135. The PC-12 operates as a Visual Flight Rules (VFR), Instrument Flight Rules (IFR), known icing conditions, day/night program.
The Air Link aircrafts are equipped with bulk oxygen supply and medical equipment, including a suction system; I.V. infusion pumps; ventilator; and monitor, defibrillator, and temporary pacer. Specialized airway, trauma, and pediatric kits are carried on the helicopter at all times. Advance life support supplies, along with additional medications, are always available on the aircraft.
ETCO2, invasive pressure, temperature, ECG, SpO2, BP, and respirations are monitored continuously on every patient throughout his or her flight.
Staffing and hours of operation
Air Link operates 24-hours a day, seven days a week. Flight requests may be made via radio contact to Air Link Dispatch/Transfer Center or through the established WATS line at 800-252-2215.
Air Link is staffed by highly trained pilots, flight nurses, and flight paramedics who provide monitoring, critical care intervention, and advanced life support procedures for critically ill or injured patients during transport. The medical team consists of either a two-nurse or nurse-paramedic configuration.
Our medical crew has extensive experience in critical care, emergency medicine, and pre-hospital patient care settings. Each member maintains current BLS, NRP, ACLS, PALS, and TPATC certifications. Air Link medical crew members are trained to perform advanced invasive procedures, including airway management and surgical procedures such as cricothyrotomy and needle/finger/tube thoracostomy. Medical crew members function autonomously in performing these advanced procedures and administering medications based on procedures and clinical protocols developed under the supervision of the Air Link medical directors. In addition, crew members are required to achieve their advanced flight certification within two years of hire.
When is it safe for Air Link to fly?
When a flight request is received, the pilots conduct a weather check. Med-Trans Corporation and Guardian Flight have specific weather minimums by which the pilots abide. Each flight request is evaluated individually and safety is always at the forefront of every decision.
Weather can vary greatly by geographic region. We encourage you to call and request an Air Link aircraft anytime you feel air transport is appropriate, regardless of weather in your region. The situation will be evaluated, and if we are unable to accept the flight request, we are happy to assist you in making arrangements for another mode of transport.
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