Inpatient & Outpatient

Rehab Center employee with patient
Rehab Center
Medical Plaza South

3911 Avenue B, Suite G200
Scottsbluff, NE 69361
United States

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Inpatient therapy is utilized following trauma, elective surgery, debility from illness, and for recommendations for home safety and equipment needs.

Our focus is on regaining strength, balance, and independence to allow patients to return home safely. We often begin the continuum of care as patients move from the hospital inpatient setting to the Acute Rehabilitation Unit (ARU) to Home Care to outpatient therapy.

Rehab Center inpatient therapy provides:

  • Home exercise programs
  • Balance training
  • Vestibular rehab
  • Lymphedema management
  • Gait training
  • Wheelchair positioning
  • Prosthetic/orthotic training
  • Modalities for pain management

Whether you are transitioning from a hospital stay, home care therapy, skilled nursing facility, or after a physician visit, the Rehab Center’s staff is dedicated to patients’ smooth, uninterrupted rehabilitative care. Outpatient therapists focus on each patient’s need to function in his or her home and community.

  • Physical and occupational therapy use state-of-the-art equipment and exercise techniques to improve each patient’s ability to live a safe, active, and healthy lifestyle. The latest in computerized equipment supplements the one-on-one sessions with a therapist.
  • Speech/language pathology incorporates technology into the treatment plan with a computer lab that allows patients to work independently to improve cognitive skills. Through education and individualized recovery programs, patients receive the tools necessary to increase independence, reestablish daily activities, or adjust to their disability.  
  • Specially trained therapists allow the Rehab Center to offer programs like post-mastectomy and lymphedema treatment, splinting, and serial casting.
  • Rehab Center professionals take an active role in educating the public on safe work places, proper conditioning, and injury prevention.
  • Our professionals serve as consultants to local employers by evaluating job sites and training workers to prevent injuries while on the job. The Rehab Center’s computerized equipment and workstations are used to simulate work environments for testing and rehabilitation if an injury does occur.
  • Certified athletic trainers attend high school team practices and sporting events for the area.